Water parameter for caridina

When setting up a tank for Caridina shrimp, particularly popular species like Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis), it’s essential to pay close attention to water parameters to ensure their well-being and breeding success. Caridina shrimp are sensitive to water conditions, so maintaining stability is crucial. Here are the recommended water parameters:

pH: Ideally, the pH should be slightly acidic to neutral, ranging from 6.2 to 7.5. Crystal Red Shrimp prefer pH levels on the lower end of this spectrum, around 6.4 to 6.8.

GH (General Hardness): Caridina shrimp require relatively low to moderate GH levels. Aim for a GH between 4 and 6 dGH (degree of General Hardness).

KH (Carbonate Hardness): The KH should be very low, preferably less than 4 dKH. Caridina shrimp are sensitive to fluctuations in KH, so maintaining it at a low level is crucial.

Temperature: Keep the water temperature stable within the range of 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C). Crystal Red Shrimp thrive in slightly cooler water compared to some other shrimp species.

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): TDS measures the total concentration of dissolved substances in water. For Caridina shrimp, a TDS level of around 100 to 200 ppm (parts per million) is recommended. However, this can vary depending on the specific species and breeding goals.

Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate: Keep ammonia and nitrite levels at zero, as these are toxic to shrimp. Nitrate levels should be kept low, ideally below 10 ppm. Regular water changes and proper filtration help in maintaining low levels of these compounds.

Copper: Caridina shrimp are highly sensitive to copper, so make sure there is no copper contamination in the water. Avoid using copper-based medications or any materials that contain copper in the shrimp tank.

Minerals and Trace Elements: Caridina shrimp require minerals and trace elements for molting and overall health. Using remineralized RO (reverse osmosis) water or specialized shrimp mineral additives can help ensure these essential elements are present in the water.

Oxygenation and Water Flow: Adequate oxygenation and water flow are essential for Caridina shrimp tanks. Gentle water flow and surface agitation help in oxygen exchange and waste removal without causing stress to the shrimp.

Regular monitoring of these parameters using appropriate test kits and maintaining stable conditions will promote the health and well-being of Caridina shrimp in the aquarium.